Illegal Migration Bill votes

On Tuesday 11 July 2023  there were 18 votes in the Commons on the amendments passed by the Lords which returned for the Commons to debate. It tokk over 5 hours to vote on the ammendments. The Government disagreed with every amendment and/or made amendments in lieu of those made by the House of Lords. The 18 divisions were as follows:

303-228 Lords amendment 1 disagreed to.

303-227 Lords amendment 6 disagreed to. Lords amendment 7 disagreed to.

299-228 Lords amendment 8 disagreed to.

304-228 Lords amendment 9 disagreed to. Lords amendment 12 disagreed to. Lords amendments 20 and 22 disagreed to. Government amendments (a) to (o) made in lieu of Lords amendments 2, 12, 20 and 22.

297-231 Lords amendment 23 disagreed to. Clause 10: Powers of detention -Lords amendment 30 disagreed to.

290-242 Lords amendment 31 disagreed to. Lords amendment 32 disagreed to.

299-227 Lords amendment 33 disagreed to. Lords amendments 34 to 36 disagreed to. Amendments (a) and (b) proposed in lieu of Lords amendments 31, 35 and 36.—(Robert Jenrick.)

284-242 Amendments (a) and (b) made in lieu of Lords amendments 31, 35 and 36. Lords amendments 37 and 38 disagreed to. Government amendments (a) to (e) made in lieu of Lords amendments 37 and 38.

300-229 Lords amendment 39 disagreed to. Lords amendments 40 to 49 disagreed to.

294-228 Lords amendment 50 disagreed to. Lords amendments 51 to 55 disagreed to.

285-243 Lords amendment 56 disagreed to. Lords amendments 57 to 67 disagreed to.

297-227 Lords amendment 73 disagreed to. Lords amendment 74 disagreed to. Government amendment (a) made in lieu of Lords amendments 73 and 74.

295-228 Lords amendment 90 disagreed to. Government amendments (a) to (c) made to the words so restored to the Bill.

296-220 Lords amendment 93 disagreed to.

295-220  Lords amendment 95 disagreed to. Government amendments (a) and (b) made in lieu of Lords amendment 95.

282-234 Lords amendment 102 disagreed to.

291-222 Lords amendment 103 disagreed to.

290-222 Lords amendment 104 disagreed to. Lords amendment 107 disagreed to. Lords amendments 3 to 5, 10, 11, 13 to 19, 21, 24 to 29, 68 to 72, 75 to 89, 91, 92, 94, 96 to 101, 105, 106, and 108 to 114 agreed to.

The Bill returned to the Lords and will return to the Commons.