Vote Labour and save the NHS

“The General Election is tomorrow. This election is about the difference between a Tory Government which represents the few and a Labour Government representing the many.”

“The NHS is one of our great national institutions, and it is one of Labour’s proudest achievements, and we will:

  • Rescue our NHS but investing in its future and joining up services from home to hospital;
  • Repeal the Government’s Health and Social Care Act;
  • Scrap the competition regime;
  • Restore proper democratic accountability in the running of the NHS;
  • Create a £2.5bn Time to Care fund to invest in 8,000 more GPs, 20,000 more nurses and 3,000 more midwives;
  • Bring together services for physical health, mental health and social care into a single system built around the individual.”

  • “I hope I can count on your vote on Thursday 7 May to re-elect me as your Member of Parliament.”