The Twelfth Annual Mayor’s Civic Awards

I attended The Twelfth Annual Mayor’s Civic Awards to celebrate Walsall personalities and organisations who have made outstanding contributions to Walsall which was held at the Town Hall Walsall on 29 April 2016.


It was good to be present at the event with the current Mayor Councillor Angela Underhill and the Civic Awards are always a good opportunity to acknowledge those who make a difference to the lives of others and their community.


All the shortlisted finalists at the ceremony have made extraordinary efforts to improve Walsall’s community through volunteering, developing local community projects and supporting the people of Walsall.


Nominees sponsored by APCOA Parking: Clive Mills an inspirational maths teacher at Barr Beacon School and Holly Mills a student at Blue Coat Junior School. And the winner of this award is Gwendolyn and Rudolph Beaumont  who have supported the Afro Caribbean Community Centre on Wolverhampton Road. As volunteers they have taken on many varied tasks as well as organising fundraising activities. Mr & Mrs Beaumont have worked hard to foster community integration and friendship in Walsall.


The nominees for the award sponsored by Barhale: Gill Beasley fundraiser for MacMillan Cancer Support and Aran Patel a student at Queen Mary’s Grammar School for Boys. And the winner of this award is Penny Evans, an example of an individual who has gone above and beyond to support people. Penny has made a continuous effort to improve the lives and goals of the people in Walsall as a Fitness Instructor.


The Midcounties Co-operative sponsored the award: : Martin Bateman a Community Life Champion at ASDA St Matthews and Caldmore Community Garden Group. And the winner of this award is Emma Robins and Jemma Betts who are Community Champions from Beechdale who have secured funding for local community groups and undertaken numerous projects which bring people together from all works of life to share and enjoy common interests.


The new Primark store sponsored the last award: Beverley Harris a respected dance professional and Louise Kumer and Rue Green who work at the Small Street Centre. And the winner of this award is Jane Worrallo who has volunteered for over 20 years for the Avenue’s Community Association. Her hard work involves encouraging young people to achieve their hopes and aspirations. Jane is also Chair of the charity at One Stop Distribution Warehouse where she has organised fundraising events which benefit a number of local and national charities.