Queen’s Birthday Celebrations at St Lawrence’s Church

I attended a special service in celebration of the Queen’s 90th birthday led by Reverend Liz Jones.


The Queen’s birthday celebrations took place in the Church and churchyard on the weekend of 11th and 12th June 2016. On Saturday 11th June the church held an exhibition on how the community has changed over the last 90 years. The exhibition included a slide show of photos, wedding dresses and windows decorated by various organisations. The Church held a ‘Street Party in the Churchyard’ with games and activities for children and adults plus a variety of stalls providing all the usual enjoyment.


On Sunday, there were three services at 9.30am and 6pm. The Church was decorated with flags and memorabilia throughout the reign of the Queen the subject focussing on weddings in the community. I attended the evening service which reflected the theme of her Majesty’s service to community, inspired by her faith, and acknowledging the part that local people have to play in making this a better society. The congregation sang one of the Queen’s favourite hymns. It was good to see people from Darlaston attend the Service to give thanks to the Queen for her service to the country. After the service there was tea and cakes laid on. I have written to HM the Queen to let her know of the Services that took place on her special birthday.