Valerie hosts Speaker’s School Council Awards

I was delighted to host the Speaker’s School Council Awards on Wednesday 6 July 2016. There were four categories and four award winner.


Heathwood Lower School from South West Bedfordshire won the 4 – 7 years category for their project: ‘Fairtrade in the community and abroad’. The Children not only wanted to make a difference in their community but also abroad. The school’s fairtrade tuck-shop has been a success and with the profits, they are able to support the education of two children from Sierra Leone. You can find out more about their fairtrade tuck shop here:


St. Mary’s RC First School from Hexam won the 8 – 11 years category for their ‘Rainbow Room Sponsored Event’. Following a visit from a representative from a local hospice the school council and the ‘Mini-Vinnies’ decided with their peers to raise money for the ‘Rainbow Room’, a facility that provides support for bereaved children and their families. The children raised £843.85 for the hospice, and also helped raise awareness in their school and community. Here is a link to their event page:


Woodside High School from Hornsey ad Wood Green won the 12 -16 years category for their ‘Talk About It’ project. The school council were keen to support young people with mental health issues, and reduce the number of fellow students with mental health concerns. The school council had a very clear plan, which involved consulting with professionals including a child psychiatrist at Great Ormond St Hospital, and the providing of training for staff at the school. They have also raised awareness via school assemblies, displays, and the school website. You can read more about the school here:


Beacon Academy from Wealden won the 17 -19 years category for their ‘LGBTQ Anti-Bullying Initiative’. The school council were keen to make LGBTQ+ students feel safe and secure in school by raising awareness, and reducing the amount of homophobic language used. They did this by delivering assemblies, and creating displays at school. Further to this, they developed a wider LGBTQ youth group, and they are creating an Equalities group in Beacon Academy. The project continues to grow, and the council are in consultation with the Local Authority and Youth Service about future projects. You can read more about the school’s work here:


Each school recognised by the Speaker’s School Council Awards are making a positive impact on society.