Procedural Hub in the House of Commons Library

On Monday 23 January 2017 I attended the House of Commons (HOC) Library Open Evening to discuss how the space could be used for Member related events and the new products and services.


One area they are working on is The Procedural Hub. In collaboration with Clerks from the Table Office, Public Bill Office and Journal Office, the Reference Room of the Members’ Library is now home to the ‘Procedural Hub’ where Members and their staff can table a question, process an amendment or pop in for procedural advice from one of many experienced Clerks. This is an additional function of within the Library space, providing a ‘one stop shop’ for Members to log an enquiry with the Library team and then table a question at the same time.


Another service is the new online Constituency Caseworker Help Hub. The Help Hub is accessible for Members and their staff to access Library materials. This allows Caseworkers/Members and their staff to access a whole range of options; statistical research, information to help with casework, access to Library training and useful links to Library research briefing and important contact details for MP hotlines.


The HOC Library have revamped their blog ‘Second Reading’ which offers topical articles on current affairs issues written by the Library subject specialists. You can follow their blog at: An intranet page dedicated to Brexit research briefings is now also available.


The HOC Library provide impartial research and continually work to improve the service they provide to Members and their staff. You can keep up to date with the latest news in Parliament by following @commonslibrary on Twitter, or alternatively visit