Valerie visits Manor Hospital to launch the new Gamma Camera

I visited Walsall Manor Hospital to see the new state of the art Gamma Camera on Friday 7 July 2017. The new camera will help in the treatment of cancer and other conditions. I met with Richard Kirby, the Chief Executive of Walsall Healthcare Trust, representatives of Walsall’s League of Friends, and staff from the imaging unit.

The new Gamma Camera is a modern up-to-date diagnostic tool that will provide clinicians with more information. I spoke with hardworking and skilled NHS staff in the imaging unit. The equipment has a SPECT/CT attachment which will improve image quality to pinpoint types of disease in the body. I was able to see a high level of information on the functioning of organs. This will lead to more accurate diagnoses and an improved service to patients.

The Trust needed to replace its existing Gamma Camera as it was outdated. This new camera was part of a £650, 000 project that has been part-funded by a generous £100, 000 donation from Walsall’s League of Friends. The league of Friends provide invaluable help and support to Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust by raising money through their shop in the Manor and by organising games such as tombola.

My constituents, particularly those with cancer, who currently have to travel to other hospitals for their examination will now be able to receive a modern examination here at Walsall Manor.