Diwali in The New Art Gallery Walsall

On Saturday 4 November, Valerie attended the Diwali celebrations at New Art Gallery Walsall.

Valerie said:

“Diwali is the Hindu festival of light celebrating the victory of good over evil, light over darkness, and knowledge over ignorance. I’d like to thank Surjit Rai for organising the event at the New Art Gallery Walsall. This year’s the theme was Kerala and why it has been named the Spice Garden of India.”

“On the night of Diwali Hindu families will come together to offer prayers to Lakshmi, goddess of wealth and prosperity, this is normally followed by fireworks, a feast and an exchange of gifts. Offerings are also made to Ganesha who symbolises ethical beginnings and the remover of obstacles.”

“Diwali is a uniquely uniting festival which brings together people of different faiths: Hindus, Jains, and Sikhs, some Buddhists and also those who are of no faith.”

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“It was a pleasure to meet Maganbhai Patel, who makes his works of art out of sawdust.”

Maganbhai patel made this out of sawdust

“I would also encourage all Walsall residents to visit the New Art Gallery. The Turner exhibition which will run until 18 January 2018 is not to be missed.”

More information about the New Art Gallery Walsall can be found here: http://www.thenewartgallerywalsall.org.uk/