The Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Bill, Third Reading

The Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Bill introduces a regulatory system for precision bred plants and animals. It is important that we get this Bill right, as with the right regulatory standards, we can reassure the public around precision bred plants and animals whilst providing an environment in which research and development can flourish.

Amendment 1 would have removed precision bred Animals from the scope of the Bill. I voted to support this Amendment, which was not passed, Ayes: 159 and Noes: 280

Amendment 3 would have imposed a legal obligation for gene edited organisms to provide a public benefit if they are to be released into the environment. I voted to support this Amendment, which was not passed, Ayes: 136 and Noes: 279.

Amendment 4 would have added a range of formal health and welfare factors that have to be taken into account by the Secretary of State when deciding whether to issue a marketing authorisation for a gene edited animal. I voted to support this Amendment, which was not passed, Ayes: 142 and Noes: 275

The Bill passed its Third Reading and will now go to the House of Lords.