Annual Gurpurb Event in Parliament

This week on Tuesday 15 November, I attended the annual Guru Nanak Gurpurb celebrations in the House of Commons, chaired by Preet Kaur Gill MP and held by the All Party Parliamentary Group for British Sikhs. 

In Sikh tradition, Gurpurb is a birth anniversary celebration marked by the holding of a festival. It was a celebration of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji as the founder of the Sikh faith and the first Sikh Guru.

The event included awards and recognition of members of the British Sikh community and inspirational stories from Guru Nanak Devi Ji’s life and the importance that these hold in modern society.

This celebration was a unique opportunity to share his universal message of One God, Truth & Equality, while practicing the 3 pillars of Guru Nanak Ji’s teachings:

Naam Japo – Remembrance of God by repeating and focusing the mind on His name or identity.

Vand Ke Chako – To share the fruits of one’s labour with others before considering oneself. Thus, to live as an inspiration and a support to the entire community. 

Kirat Karo – To carry out good deeds and earn an honest, pure and truthful livelihood by exercising one’s God given skills, abilities, talents and hard labour for the benefit and improvement of the individual, their family and society at large.