British Heart Foundation

On Wednesday 22 March 2023 I joined The British Heart Foundation (BHF) in Parliament to learn CPR with RevivR which is a free online tool which teaches CPR in 15 minutes – and all you need is a phone and a cushion. It will teach you how to recognise a cardiac arrest and give you live feedback.

There are over 30,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests every year in the UK and tragically, less than one in ten people survive. Early CPR and defibrillation have been shown to more than double the chances of surviving an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. To learn the lifesaving skill of CPR by accessing RevivR here:

The BHF are registering all defibrillators in the UK to create a life-saving map, The Circuit. To register your local defibrillator and find out more, visit

I would encourage everyone to learn this life saving skill.