Illegal Migration Bill Vote

The House voted on amendments to the Illegal Migration Bill. The Illegal Migration Bill aims to deter people from crossing the English Channel in small boats by preventing those that do so from claiming asylum in the UK, detaining and removing them from the UK. 

There were three votes. 

Amendment 76

In clause 37, page 40, line 8, leave out from “means” to the end of line 12 and insert:

(a) a protection claim, (b) a human rights claim, or (c) a claim to be a victim of slavery or a victim of human trafficking.

I voted in favour of this Motion, which was not passed, Ayes: 244, Noes: 308.

New Clause 24 This new clause seeks to add a requirement for the Secretary of State to provide safe and legal routes for unaccompanied asylum-seeking children with close family members in the UK, in line with rules previous observed by the UK as part of the Dublin system.

Safe and legal routes: family reunion for children

“(1) The Secretary of State must, within three months of the date on which this Act enters into force, lay before Parliament a statement of changes in the rules (the ‘immigration rules’) under section 3(2) of the Immigration Act 1971 (general provision for regulation and control) to make provision for the admission of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children from European Union member states to the United Kingdom for the purposes of family reunion.

(2) The rules must, as far as is practicable, include provisions in line with the rules formerly in force in the United Kingdom under the Dublin III Regulation relating to unaccompanied asylum-seeking children.

I voted in favour of this Motion, which was not passed, Ayes: 248, Noes: 301.

New Clause 25 This new clause would require the Secretary of State to lay before Parliament a framework on new agreements to facilitate co-operation with the governments of neighbouring countries and relevant international organisations on matters related to the removal of people from the United Kingdom

International co-operation

“(1) The Secretary of State must, within three months of the date on which the Illegal Migration Act 2023 comes into force, publish and lay before Parliament a framework for new agreements to facilitate co- operation with the governments of neighbouring countries, EU Member States and relevant international organisations on—

(a) the removal from the United Kingdom of persons who have made protection claims declared inadmissible by the Secretary of State;

(b) the prevention of unlawful entry to the United Kingdom from neighbouring countries;

(c) the prosecution and conviction of persons involved in facilitating illegal entry to the United Kingdom from neighbouring countries;

(d) securing access for the relevant authorities to international databases for the purposes of assisting law enforcement and preventing illegal entry to the United Kingdom; and

(e) establishing controlled and managed safe and legal routes.

(2) In subsection (1)—

(a) “neighbouring countries” means countries which share a maritime border with the United Kingdom;

(b) “relevant international organisations” means—

9. Europol;

10. Interpol;

11. Frontex;

12. the European Union; and

13. any other organisation which the Secretary of State may see fit to consult with.

(c) “relevant authorities” means—

(i) police forces;

(ii) the National Crime Agency;

(iii) the Crown Prosecution Service; and

(iv) any other organisation which the Secretary of State may see fit to include within the definition.

(d) “international databases” means—

(i) The Eurodac fingerprint database;

(ii) the Schengen Information System; and;

(iii) any other database which the Secretary of State may see fit to include within the definition.

(e) “controlled and managed safe and legal routes” includes—

(i) family reunion for unaccompanied asylum- seeking children with close family members settled in the United Kingdom; and

(ii) other resettlement schemes.

The Bill will now move to its next stage in the process, Committee stage.