Institute of Physics Drop-in

The Institute of Physics held a  drop in at parliament on Wednesday 5 July 2023 to highlight their campaign for a manifesto  for change  the ‘Limit Less’ campaign and how it supports young people from underrepresented groups to enjoy physics. 

I spoke to teachers and students about their experiences of diversity and inclusion in their schools. The Limit Less campaign is aimed at unrepresented groups who might otherwise not pursue physics owing to misconceived ideas about physics and stereotypes about who can study it.

Too often girls are told that physics is better suited for boys, and young people hear physics is not for them owing to their ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability or social background. The Institute for Physics’ Limit Less campaign aims to change this and make physics a more diverse and inclusive subject. To find out more visit

Those responsible for school governance play an active role in ensuring that equity and equality are promoted in their schools and that in equalities are addressed including appointing a member with specific responsibilities for equality.  IOP are calling for more underserved groups to benefit from learning outside the classroom such as in science or STEM clubs. visit :