The Shark Fins Act 2023

On 12 July 2023 I attended a celebration of  Christina Rees MP’s Ten Minute Rule Bill becoming law. The Act now prohibits the import and export of shark fins and makes provision relating to the removal of fins from sharks. The Shark Fins Bill received Royal Assent on 29 June 2023. I sat on the Bill Committee that scrutinised the Bill. The Shark Fins Bill received Royal Assent on 29 June 2023. 

Before this law, 20kg of shark fins could be imported now this is 0. 

This legislation will protect sharks and it is a tribute to Christina and the campaigners. The campaigners now have to convince the EU to enact the same protections.

The Shark Trust, Bite-Back and Shark Guardian, who were instrumental in the #SharkFins Bill becoming Law.

My colleagues also dropped in to celebrate the new law: (4th left to right) Mark Menzies MP, Martyn Day MP, Christina Rees MP, Kevin Brennan MP, are shown with me in the picture, together with the campaigners from the voluntary organisations.