Health Select Committee publishes report on Public Expenditure

On Tuesday 24 January 2012 the House of Commons Health Select Committee, of which Valerie Vaz MP is a member, published its latest report into Public Expenditure.


Valerie Vaz MP said:


“This report comes at a time when the Government is pushing ahead with a drastic reorganisation of the National Health Service.  The Bill has not yet completed its passage through Parliament, yet we are already seeing great changes on the ground.


“We found that the need to save money to reinvest in the health service is more important than management change.  The Health and Social Care Bill is a distraction at a time when efforts need to be focused on how to cope with existing challenges.


“Our report states that: ‘The reorganisation process continues to complicate the push for efficiency gains. Although it may have facilitated savings in some cases, we heard that it more often creates disruption and distraction that hinders the ability of organisations to consider truly effective ways of reforming service delivery and releasing savings.’


“In my view, the Government’s reorganisation will be disastrous for the NHS.  I hope that this report persuades the Government to think again.”


You can read the Committee’s report online by clicking here.