Valerie welcomes choice for women boxers

Valerie has welcomed the news that the International Amateur Boxing Association (AIBA) has decided to give women boxers at the Olympics the choice to wear either skirts or shorts in the ring.


Valerie said:


“I signed a petition against forcing women boxers to wear skirts.  More than 55,000 people were signatories to the online petition and I am glad that the AIBA has listened and made the right decision.


“Female athletes should be able to wear clothing that makes them comfortable while competing.  The AIBA had been considering making skirts compulsory – the suggestion was that this would make the female competitors look more ‘elegant’ and help spectators distinguish them from men.  Women boxers should not be forced to wear skirts.   


“Women’s boxing will be an Olympic sport for the first time at the London 2012 Games and I welcome the fact that competitors will be given a choice in what they wear to compete.  The focus should be on the athletes’ sporting expertise, not on what they are wearing.”


You can read the petition by clicking here