Health Select Committee publishes report on Annual Accountability Hearings: Responses and Further Issues

On Wednesday 7 March 2012 the Health Select Committee, of which Valerie is a member, launched a follow-up report to the responses given by government and regulatory bodies to accountability reports published by the Health Committee in 2011.


Valerie said:


“Last year the Committee heard evidence from all four NHS regulators: the General Medical Council (GMC), the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and Monitor.  We have now considered the responses to our report from these regulators and the Government.


“We concluded that medical, nursing and care professionals must be able to raise concerns about professional standards at their place of work, without fearing punitive action.


“The GMC has committed to introducing a system of revalidation for all doctors by late 2012, and the NMC plans to prioritise revalidation and fitness to practice procedures for nurses and midwives.  We urge these organisations to progress these measures as a priority.


“A recent performance and capability review of the CQC made 23 recommendations and the Committee will be examining progress.


“The Francis Commission of Inquiry into Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust is due to conclude shortly.  Issues of professional responsibility will be key to making progress on standards in patient care.”


You can read the Committee’s report by clicking here.