Valerie publishes list of utility shareholders

Valerie asked the House of Commons Library to provide information on the shareholders of the main UK gas, electricity and water companies.


Valerie said:


“I requested the information following the Government’s references to Health regulator Monitor similar to OfGen and OfWat, the utilities regulators.  Talking about the proposed health reforms, Monitor’s Chair Dr David Bennett said: ‘we did it in gas, we did it in power’.


Valerie said, “At the moment the shareholders of the NHS are the people of Britain.  The shareholders of the utilities are overwhelmingly big business, often from outside the UK.


“The list shows that the shareholders of the largest energy company Centrica include Bank of New York Mellon, the Government of Singapore, the Government of Norway, the state of California, the Government of Saudi Arabia, and Goldman Sachs.”


The information was extracted from the fame database, a database from Bureau Van Dujk containing UK and Irish company information.  The listed companies are those with the highest operating revenue categorised under major sectors of gas, water and electricity.


You can view the list by clicking here.