Residents’ parking spaces proposed following intervention from Valerie

Following an intervention by Valerie, residents of Woodwards Place in Pleck are being consulted on plans to install residents’ parking bays.

Valerie said:

“I welcome the plans set out by Walsall Housing Group to install residents’ parking bays on Woodwards Place. A constituent came to see me at my surgery who was concerned by the parking situation on the road. I contacted Walsall MBC to ask whether it could suggest possible solutions to the difficulties experienced by residents. Walsall Housing Group has stepped in and has now written to residents enclosing plans for parking bays to be installed on Woodwards Place.”

“Houses on the street do not have off street parking and the road is only wide enough for one car, which means residents cannot park outside their homes. This has meant that many residents have had to park their cars on the green space in the middle of Woodwards Place, which is frequently churned up during wet weather. It has also been difficult for some elderly and disabled residents to park their cars close enough to their homes. I hope that Walsall Housing Group will be able to make the proposed changes as soon as possible.”

“The plans put forward will improve residents’ quality of life and the appearance of Woodwards Place. I am pleased that WHG have listened to these sensible suggestion of local people.”