Valerie does Hands-only CPR with the British Heart Foundation

Valerie Vaz, Member of Parliament for Walsall South, had a go at Hands-only CPR with the British Heart Foundation. Hands-only CPR can mean the difference between life and death when someone is in cardiac arrest.

Valerie said:

“The British Heart Foundation showed me their new method of Hands-only CPR to help someone who is in cardiac arrest. I practiced chest compressions that were delivered ‘hard and fast’ at least 100 times every minute or to the tune of the Bee Gees classic, Stayin’ Alive. They also made it clear the importance of calling 999 immediately.”

“The British Heart Foundation is trying to encourage more people to become have-a-go heroes and Hands-only CPR should give everyone the confidence to step in and help. Now I have the basic skills to be able to help save a life. My constituents can learn more about Hands-only CPR by visiting”

“After doing this I would encourage all members of the community to look at this method. Children especially should be taught life-saving skills in school to create a new generation with the ability to make a difference.”

More information about the British Heart Foundation’s Hands-only CPR can be found here.