Valerie raises issue of Land Grab to be addressed by the G8 Summit

On Thursday 10 January 2013 at Business Questions, Valerie asked the Leader about international land grabs.

Valerie asked:

“Sixty per cent. of agricultural land in countries such as Burma and Indonesia that have serious hunger problems have been subjected to land grab. Given that the UK has the presidency of the G8 summit, may we have an urgent debate on how we can use that presidency to stop such practices and return the land to the people who live on it so that they can feed themselves?”

The Leader of the House replied:

“Yes, I am interested in the subject raised by the hon. Lady although I do not think it is one of the issues set as a priority for the upcoming G8 summit. Such summits always afford opportunities, however, not least because of the increasing influence that we are able to exert through the strength of our overseas aid programme and the like. I will therefore talk to my hon. Friends to see whether we can continue to follow up strongly the issues raised by the hon. Lady.”

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A responce from the Secretary of State for International Development can be read here: