Statement on Equal Marriage

On Tuesday 22 May 2013 the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill had its Third Reading in the House of Commons. Valerie voted for the Bill. The Bill was carried: Ayes 366, Noes 161.

Valerie said:

“I have received correspondence in recent days in relation to the Report Stage and Third Reading of the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill from all sides of the issue. I considered what my constituents had to say. I voted for the Bill on each occasion it has been put to a vote in the House of Commons because I believe in equality. I want all couples in loving relationships to get married if they so wish. The Institution of marriage will be strengthened by allowing any couple to marry.”

“One of my colleagues during the debate recalled how he was beaten unconscious because he was gay and it was not accepted by society. Happily society has moved on and we accept peoples different lives. We are a tolerant society and believe in equality. This is another step towards that goal.”