Presentation of Addresses to HM King Charles III

His Majesty King Charles III attended a ceremony in Westminster Hall on Monday 12 September 2022 as a long standing tradition of communication between the Sovereign and Parliament. 

It is an opportunity for both Houses to communicate its wishes and opinions to the Sovereign and hear the response. MPs, Peers and house staff assembled in the Hall and The State Trumpeters of the Household Cavalry took up their places on the South Window Balcony. The Speakers of the Lords and Commons entered Westminster Hall with the Serjeant at Arms and the Lady Usher of the Black Rod carrying the Maces.  The Mace which is usually placed in the Commons when the House is sitting on this occasion was covered.  This signified the members of both Houses were present, but the Houses were not sitting.  

The King and the Queen-Consort entered via the North Door walking through Westminster Hall and took their seats. The Speaker of the Lords Lord McFall gave his address which was handed to the King and was followed by the Speaker of the Commons, Rt Hon Sir Lindsay Hoyle MP who made his address and then handed it over to the King. 

His Majesty King Charles III replied and handed copies to the Speakers. After the National Anthem was sung, the King withdrew and the the same process was carried out at the devolved legislatures in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The Addresses and Responses have been heard for the first time throughout the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.