Census 2011 reveals key information about Walsall

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has published the latest set of results from the 2011 including key information about the people who live in Walsall.

Here are some key figures from the Census:

Population: 269,323

No Qualifications: 33.7%
Level 1 Qualifications (1-4 GCSEs): 14.6%
Level 2 Qualifications (5 GCSEs): 15.3%
Apprenticeship: 3%
Level 3 Qualifications (2 or more A-Levels): 10.8%
Level 4 Qualifications (Bachelor’s Degree or higher): 16.9%

Economically active: 66.1%
Part time employees: 14%
Full time employees: 35.3%
Self employed: 7.3%
Unemployed: 6.8%
Students: 2.7%

Economically inactive: 33.9%
Student: 5%
Retired: 15%
Looking after home or family: 5.8%
Long term sick or disabled: 5.2%
Other: 2.9%

White: 78.8%
Mixed/ Multiple Ethnic Groups: 2.7%
Asian/ Asian British: 15.2%
Black/ African/ Caribbean/ Black British: 1.6%
Other ethnic group: 0.8%

Christian: 59%
Buddhist: 0.2%
Hindu: 1.7%
Jewish: 0%
Muslim: 8.2%
Sikh: 4.3%
Other: 0.5%
No Religion: 20%
Religion not stated: 6%

Born in the UK: 90.1%
Arrived 1941-1950: 0.1%
Arrived 1951-1960: 0.5%
Arrived 1961-1970: 1.7%
Arrived 1971-1980: 1.2%
Arrived 1981-1990: 1%
Arrived 1991-2000: 1.5%
Arrived 2001-2003: 1.1%
Arrived 2004-2006: 1.3%
Arrived 2007-2009: 1.1%
Arrived 2010-2011: 0.3%

More information is available from the Office for National Statistics here.