Darlaston Allotment Society flowers and vegetable show

The Darlaston Allotment Society held its annual show of flowers and vegetables on Saturday 10 September 2016.


I was pleased to be able to drop in to the show after my surgery at Darlaston Town Hall. It was wonderful to meet Gordon Hughes (who was one of the judges), Colin and Jack.


The society is 102 years old. I saw large carrots, parsnips, marrows and leeks. Growers have taken great care with their vegetables and flowers.Gordon told me that what he looks for in vegetables are uniformity, lack of disease and good shape and size.


Gordon, Colin and Jack are keen to get schools involved with their work on the allotments. I hope all schools are encouraged to start their own vegetable patch if they haven’t got one already. Visits to the allotment at Darlaston South is a good starting point. This can be arranged through the allotment’s point of contact which can be found here: http://cms.walsall.gov.uk/index/leisure_sports_community/allotments/sites_managed_by_local_management_arrangement.htm


Valerie Vaz MP


I donated a box of chocolates as one of the raffle prizes.