Darlaston Community Garden

There was a good turnout for the opening of the Darlaston All Active Community Garden on Thursday 30 September 2022. Sharon who runs the Community Centre together with volunteers have turned this space into an upcycled communal area. The tables were made from donated old wooden spools and there were plants and vegetables grown over the summer. As well as the community who use the Town Hall, many from the local people including the Post Office and  Seva Kitchen who cook and donate food were there to celebrated the opening including the Lady Mayoress of Walsall Council.

This will be a valuable space for those who attend events in the Hall and want to access a quiet haven. They can also help out  with the garden as gardening is well known to have therapeutic benefits.  Most of the objects and furniture has been recycled so this is an extremely sustainable space. It is going to be well used at all times of the year.