Parliament Week at Delves Junior School

On Friday 7 July 2023 I visited Delves Junior School and spoke to the school about my work as their Member of parliament. I explained how we have to bob when we want to catch Mr Speaker’s eye during question time. At that point, everyone jumped up and bobbed. There are many ways we can raise issues through questions, and adjournment debates which MPs can apply for to raise a topic of importance. The Pupils are hoping to set up a pupil Parliament and also a select committee. 

I took the mini chamber into the school and showed them how parliament is set up with Mr Speaker in the Chair, the clerks’ table and where the Mace sits when the House is in Session. Our day starts with the Mace being brought in by the Serjeant At Arms followed by Prayers and then the Business starts. The Mace is taken away at the end of each day and as Mr Speaker leaves the Chamber the next sitting is announced.  The Pupils had a session with Baroness Jill Pitkeathley and asked us both the same question about which House was more important, the House of Commons or the House of Lords. I said the Commons are elected so they are closer to the people and that only the House of Commons can deal with any aspects of finance in a Bill. 

I also presented a sticker album for the FIFA Women’s World Cup and a book for the Summer Reading Challenge, which this year is about games and sports. I visited the “Hobbit House Library” . It is great place to get the children interested in reading and is a unique place.  

I then visited each class and answered their questions on Parliament. There were many great questions. It was an eventful day organised by Ms Bains. I wish Ms Bains well in her new post.  Well done Delves.