Education Questions

During Education Questions on Monday 27 February I asked a question to the Education Secretary about funding for schools in Walsall South. I asked:

“A headteacher in one of my schools said that there were material errors in the assessment and review of the infrastructure parts of their bids for funds from the school heating programme. What is the Secretary of State doing to ensure that the bids are properly assessed?”

The Minister responded: 

“Officials will give detailed feedback when a school fails to secure a bid through the many different bidding schemes for capital. We spend a huge amount of money on capital funding in our schools—about £13 billion since 2015. I am happy to meet the hon. Lady, the school and officials to go through what went wrong with that bid.”

I am pleased that the Minister agreed to have a meeting with me and school officials to discuss funding. I hope that the schools in my constituency Walsall South can receive vital funding to improve school buildings for children.