European Union 10 Minute Rule Motion

Conservative MP, Charlie Elphicke introduced in the House of Commons on 14 September 2016 a Bill on the UK’s withdrawal from European Union membership. The 10 Minute Rule Motion was an attempt to enforce Britain’s EU departure with a new Brexit law and officially begin the break away from Brussels.


The motion of the debate was: “That leave be given to bring in a bill to implement the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from membership of the European Union; and for connected purposes.”


I voted against the 10 Minute rule Bill as I consider there needs to be a wider debate about what the UK’s exit from Europe will look like. There is a new Department and a Select Committee to look at the work of the department and until that time where negotiations can take place and the matter is brought before parliament, there should be no move for an immediate withdrawal. The result of the vote was: Ayes: 50, Noes: 179