Foreign Commonwealth Development Questions 13 June 2023

On Tuesday 13 June 2023 at FCDO questions, there was a question on what diplomatic steps have been taken to strengthen NATO Unity: 

I asked the Foreign Secretary : 

Our ambassadors play a skilful role in NATO and I wish to place on the record my thanks to Fleur Thomas in Luxembourg, which hosted the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, for her excellent briefing. What assessment has the Foreign Secretary made of Sweden actually joining NATO, which will strengthen its unity, before the Vilnius summit?

And the Foreign Secretary replied:
The UK’s position has been clear on this: Sweden should join soon. Our desire, which is shared by all allies with the exception of a couple, is that Sweden should be a full member by the time of the Vilnius summit. We aspire to have a flag-raising ceremony and for Sweden to play a full part in the discussions at Vilnius. That will continue to be the aim towards which we work. 

It is important that all efforts are made to ensure that Sweden joins by the Summit in July.