General Election: A win

I want to thank everyone who cast their vote in the General Election on 4 July 2024 which resulted in a win for me as the Labour MP for the new constituency of Walsall and Bloxwich. This was an important election and i will continue to work for all my constituents, for economic and social justice and for peace both here and throughout the world. 

I also want to thank the team of supporters who made the case for returning me having been the MP for Walsall South since 2010. We now have a Labour Government and policies that were explained to the electorate and will be enacted by the Government over the coming years.  Thank you you will always have my support.


The full results are:

Rt Hon Valerie Vaz  – Labour: 12,514
Sadat Hussain – Green Party: 2,288
Shannon Lloyd – Conservative: 6,679
Aftab Nawaz – Independent: 7,600
Patrick Stillman – Liberal Democrats: 817
Elaine Williams – Reform UK: 7,293

The turnout in Walsall and Bloxwich was 46 per cent.