Health Select Committee publishes report into Social Care

On 8 February 2012 the Health Select Committee, of which Valerie is a member, published its report into Social Care.


Valerie said:


“We found that older people are being let down by fragmented care services.  The report stresses the importance of joined-up services across health and social care.  We recommend that the Government should co-ordinate policy more effectively, and should regularly balance national spending across health, housing and care services.


“The Committee urges the Government to accept the recommendations in the Dilnot Report for a series of caps on care costs.  The Government should take steps to ensure that GPs identify much earlier and assess more clearly the needs for carers providing essential informal care to the old and the vulnerable.


“I hope that the Government will consider the Committee’s findings and take steps to ensure health and social care services are integrated rather than fragmented.”


You can read the committee’s report online by clicking here