Jack Dromey MP, Shadow Housing Minister and Valerie visit Eco House.

Valerie invited Shadow Housing Minister Jack Dromey MP to visit the Accord Low Carbon Homes development at Whitworth Close in Darlaston.

The visionary development combines low carbon technologies, which can reduce energy bills by up to 50%, with a cooperative model which will give residents a real stake in their own community. Unlike traditional homes, the homes at Whitworth Close are constructed from timber panels containing plumbing, wiring and windows, manufactured at Accord’s factory in Walsall.

Valerie said: “Given the twin challenges of the climate crisis and the chronic housing shortage in the UK, it is vital that we see many more developments such as Whitworth Close. Energy efficient new housing should play a key role in the regeneration of Darlaston. This is a view that I know is shared by many Darlaston Residents.”

For more information on Low Carbon Homes, please click here.