Justice Questions

During Justice Questions on 10 January 2023, the Minister was asked what recent progress he has made on tackling the backlog of court cases. I asked the Minister:

‘Has the Minister seen The Law Society’s 5-point plan to get rid of the backlog, including investing in buildings and staff, and properly funding Legal Aid? If he has not, will he sit down with The Law Society? These are the very people at the heart of our justice system.’

The Minister responded:

‘I have seen the plan and I have sat down with them and I continue to have fruitful discussions, as has the Lord Chancellor, to address those particular issues that they have raised.’

I am pleased the Minister is talking with The Law Society. Here is the 5-point plan:

– Invest in buildings, staff and judges

– Properly funded legal aid

– Keep cases out of the court room

– Reliable technology

– Better data collection