My Statement on Israel and Gaza

Thank you to all those who have contacted me about the horrifying events in Israel and Gaza. 

It has been a deeply distressing few days following the horrific terrorist attack by Hamas on Saturday and the resulting loss of life and escalation in violence.  It is difficult to comprehend the death and destruction that has ensued and the loss of so many innocent lives.

I am extremely concerned about the immense humanitarian crisis that is confronting the region and the continuing loss of life and suffering.

There is an urgent need to provide humanitarian corridors for the people of Gaza and to demand that Israel’s response is at all times in accordance with International Law. To be clear, that means there must be humanitarian access to Gaza, and continued supplies of food, water, electricity and medicines.

Notwithstanding Israel’s right to defend itself and rescue hostages, International Law must be upheld and that applies to how Israel exercises its right to self-defence, how civilians are protected and how humanitarian relief is provided.

The attack on Israel, the brutal murder of so many innocent men, women and children and the callous treatment of the hostages are acts of terrorism and must be condemned.

The terrorists of Hamas (a proscribed organisation) are the enemies of peace and their actions have done untold damage to the cause of justice, freedom and independence for the Palestinian people. The consequences of this attack are being borne by innocent Palestinians in Gaza and elsewhere.

As you know, I have always strongly supported the Palestinian peoples’ right to statehood and a peaceful negotiated solution for the region allowing Israel and Palestine to live as two states in mutual recognition and in peace.

The cause of peace has suffered a serious setback, but we must not and will not give up hope. The pursuit of justice, peace and independence with security for Palestinians and Israelis alike can only ever be achieved through negotiation.

I am also concerned about the rise in incidents of Islamophobia and Antisemitism here – we must guard against this in our community.

As we mourn for the innocent victims, I will continue to do whatever I can to make the case for humanitarian intervention and a peaceful resolution.

Yours ever,


Rt Hon Valerie Vaz MP

Member of Parliament for Walsall South