National Security Bill Vote

On Wednesday 3 May 2023 the House considered the Lords amendments to the National Security Bill. The National Security Bill 2022-23 would replace existing counter-espionage laws with a comprehensive framework for countering hostile state activity analogous to the counter-terrorism framework established since 2000. The Bill was introduced in the House of Lords on 17 November 2022. Significant amendments were made to the Bill by the Lords in Committee and on Report. There were 3 votes.

Amendment (c) to Lords Amendment 26

I voted in favour of this Motion, which was not passed, Ayes: 132, Noes: 252.

Motion to disagree with Lords Amendment 22

I voted against this Motion, which was passed, Ayes: 254, Noes: 134.

Motion to disagree with Lords Amendments 122

I voted against this Motion, which was passed, Ayes: 254, Noes: 136.

The Bill goes back to the Lords as amended.