
Thank you for visiting my website. You will find information about my work and activities as the Member of Parliament on behalf of the people of Walsall South. You can contact me directly through the website and find details about my office and how to meet me at surgeries. If you have any problem or issue you think I may be able to help you with, please do get in touch.

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Posted: 29/03/2018

It is half time for the Article 50 process and regions are still anxious about what Brexit will mean for the. There has been no decision on the Northern Ireland border, the Government’s own analysis shows that a hard Brexit could cost Scotland’s economy £12.7 billion by 2030, and Wales is looking at other methods

Posted: 27/03/2018

I attended Turban Awareness Day in Parliament on Tuesday 27 March 2018, organised by the Sikh Channel, to promote diversity and create awareness of the Sikh Turban, the Sikh Faith and its contribution to the British way of life, industry and culture. Above I am pictured with the first British turban-wearing Sikh MP Tan Dhesi