Thank you for visiting my website. You will find information about my work and activities as the Member of Parliament on behalf of the people of Walsall and Bloxwich. You can contact me directly through the website and find details about my office and how to meet me at surgeries. I use the Parliamentary answering service when my office is busy or out of hours. Please leave your message with them and remember to give your name, address and contact details. The answering service will send me an email with your message.
If you have any problem or issue you think I may be able to help you with, please do get in touch.
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Press Releases
Keep updated with the latest news locally, media coverage and news from Parliament.
I signed the Remembering Srebrenica Book of Pledges in Parliament on Thursday 12 July 2018, promising to stand up to hatred and intolerance and promote a fair, equal and cohesive society for everyone.
The Minority Government is abusing its power. It is an absolute outrage that an Opposition Day scheculed for next Wednesday has been taken away. The White Paper that was supposed to be published today was given to the press at 9am, yet was not made available to Members until 1pm. The Leader of the Opposition
On 10 July, one hundred days after the RAF’s official 100th birthday, I attended the RAF flypast where up to 100 aircraft flew over Buckingham Palace.
As Shadow Leader of the House, I responded to the following motion on 10 July 2018:
I was delighted to celebrate the NHS outside Walsall Manor Hospital on Saturday 7 July 2018 along with Andy Brown, Chair of the Disability Advisory Group Walsall Manor.
I attended a fundraising event at Darlaston Town (1874) FC on Saturday 7 July. It was great to have Joleon Lescot and Matt Murray attend the event.
I spoke at the 70th anniversary of our NHS in Cannock Town Centre on Saturday 7 July 2018.
I was delighted to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the NHS by holding a street stall in Bloxwich Market on Saturday 7 July 2018. It was the courage of Nye Bevan and the determination of a Labour Government that saw the birth of the NHS, which has completely transformed social justice in this country.