
Thank you for visiting my website. You will find information about my work and activities as the Member of Parliament on behalf of the people of Walsall South. You can contact me directly through the website and find details about my office and how to meet me at surgeries. If you have any problem or issue you think I may be able to help you with, please do get in touch.

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Posted: 12/09/2017

On Tuesday 12 September 2017, I spoke in the House of Commons on the Government's motion on the nomination of Members to Committees. The motion establishes a new Selection Committee, and allows the Committee to give the Government a majority on any Public Bill and Delegated Legislation Committees, when it does not have a majority

Posted: 06/09/2017

I am alarmed that latest figures by the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Diabetes show that 9.28% of the population in Walsall South has diabetes. This equates to 7, 871 people and makes Walsall South the 15th highest constituency in the UK.