
Thank you for visiting my website. You will find information about my work and activities as the Member of Parliament on behalf of the people of Walsall South. You can contact me directly through the website and find details about my office and how to meet me at surgeries. If you have any problem or issue you think I may be able to help you with, please do get in touch.

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Posted: 11/07/2023

On Tuesday 11 July 2023  there were 18 votes in the Commons on the amendments passed by the Lords which returned for the Commons to debate. It tokk over 5 hours to vote on the ammendments. The Government disagreed with every amendment and/or made amendments in lieu of those made by the House of Lords.

Posted: 07/07/2023

On Friday 7 July 2023 I visited Delves Junior School and spoke to the school about my work as their Member of parliament. I explained how we have to bob when we want to catch Mr Speaker's eye during question time. At that point, everyone jumped up and bobbed. There are many ways we can

Posted: 06/07/2023

I met the FAB Michael Rosen at the Great School Library drop in hosted by Margaret Greenwood, MP for Wirral West.  Michael is a well known author of books for children such as Chocolate Cake, We're Going on a Bear Hunt; Sad Book; Little Rabbit Foo Foo; No breathing in Class. Michael was there to promote Great

Posted: 05/07/2023

The Institute of Physics held a  drop in at parliament on Wednesday 5 July 2023 to highlight their campaign for a manifesto  for change  the 'Limit Less' campaign and how it supports young people from underrepresented groups to enjoy physics. 

I spoke to teachers and students about their experiences of diversity and inclusion in their

Posted: 05/07/2023

Celebrating 75 years of our NHS

I signed the 75 Birthday card for the NHS. This is a great reminder of how long the NHS has been in all our lives. We wish the NHS many Happy returns and look forward to many more. As Nye Bevan the founder of the NHS said "The NHS will last

Posted: 05/07/2023

‘Parkrun for the NHS’ – celebrating the NHS’s 75th anniversaryParliamentarians met in New Palace Yard to take part in the Parkrun NHS 75 for a special run to celebrate the NHS’s 75th birthday.The event, spearheaded by Nick Smith MP, Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group Parkrun, saw 22 MPs, from a range of political parties,

Posted: 04/07/2023

The Draft Environmental Protection (Plastic Plates etc. and Polystyrene Containers etc.) (England) Regulations 2023  is to restrict the supply of single-use plastic plates, bowls and trays and to ban the supply of single-use plastic cutlery, balloon sticks and expanded and extruded polystyrene food and drink containers, including cups. This statutory instrument applies to England only

Posted: 03/07/2023

On Monday 3 July 2023 I attended the reception hosted by the Football Association and Tracey Crouch MP ahead of the FIFA Women's World Cup.  Both Gillian Keegan MP, Secretary of State for Education, and Lucy Frazer KC MP, Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport,  spoke about and supported the inclusion of more