
Thank you for visiting my website. You will find information about my work and activities as the Member of Parliament on behalf of the people of Walsall South. You can contact me directly through the website and find details about my office and how to meet me at surgeries. If you have any problem or issue you think I may be able to help you with, please do get in touch.

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Posted: 06/01/2016

On Wednesday 6 January 2016 there was an Opposition day debate on the recent flooding. The debate was moved by the Shadow Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Kerry McCarthy. The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Rory Stewart, responded.

Posted: 18/12/2015

I am pleased that Junction 9 of the M6 has finally reopened. The management of the closure by Highways England has been inefficient and my constituents have suffered disruption and inconvenience throughout 2015. The slip-road was to be reopened in May, but the date was put back to August, then to November and finally to Christmas.