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Posted: 10/01/2024

The HALO Trust held a drop-in on Wednesday 10 January 2024 to provide more information about the Trust's work in building capacity in host nations to exercise responsible control of their stockpiles and strengthen human security.

Unsecured weapons and ammunition threaten the security of civilians and undermine state stability. Across the world, the diversion of

Posted: 09/01/2024

As a member of the Panel of Chairs Select Committee, I chaired 3 Westminster Hall Debates on Tuesday 9 January 2023. 

I chaired the following debates:

2:30 - 4:00 pm: "Increases in anti-Semitic offences" debate led by Nicola Richards MP
4:00 - 4:30 pm: "Cost of living in Scotland" debate led by David Linden MP

Posted: 08/01/2024

On Monday 8 January 2024 during Defence Questions, I asked the Secretary of State for Defence Rt Hon Grant Shapps MP a question: "Will the Ukraine Action Plan 2023 ever be published? Better still, will there be a Ukraine Action Plan 2024? And when will that be published?"

The Secretary of State said: "We work hand

Posted: 19/12/2023

On Tuesday 19 December 2023, an Urgent Question was tabled by the Opposition to ask the Secretary of Defence for a statement on the situation in Ukraine, and I asked the Minister a question: "In August this year, the then Defence Secretary said that he would publish the action plan for Ukraine in 2023. Will

Posted: 19/12/2023

Following the horrendous killings in the Church compound of the Catholic Parish of the Holy Family in Gaza City, the Archbishop of Westminster Cardinal Vincent Nichols said "The information provided by the Cardinal, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem gives a picture of seemingly deliberate and callous killing by IDF soldiers of innocent civilians: an elderly

Posted: 19/12/2023

In the Autumn Statement on 22 November 2023, the Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt MP said he would cut the main 12% rate of employee national insurance contributions by two percentage points to 10% as of 6 January 2024. Despite this, the UK continues to face the largest fall in real living standards since

Posted: 18/12/2023

I met the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby at the Advent Event in Parliament on Monday 18 December 2023 at the Advent Event held in Parliament. Both the Archbishop and Sir Keir Starmer spoke about the Advent message and the call for peace in the world.