Remembrance Sunday

On Sunday 13th November 2022, the Lady Mayoress of Walsall MBC led a group to the Cenotaph in the town centre. We watched the parade of veterans, cadets, and other organisations who marched with the band to take their place in front of the Cenotaph. After prayers and a hymn, we waited for 11 o’clock where we observed 1 minutes’ silence in memory of those who had fallen in all the wars. Canon Rob Hall of St Paul’s and St Luke’s gave a sermon about remembering not just the names in the memorial but the people behind the names. He said we have to work for justice, peace, mercy, and compassion. There can be no peace without justice he said. 

I laid a wreath on behalf of Walsall South  and then the community laid their wreaths. I then walked to the Town Hall and watched the march past of veterans, cadets, and community organisations.