Srebrenica Memorial Day

I signed the Book of Remembrance to mark Srebrenica Memorial Day on Monday 11 July 2022.

On 11 July 1995 during the Bosnian War, the town of Srebrenica was captured by Bosnian Serbs. The town had been declared a “safe zone” by the United Nations. More than 8000 Bosnian Muslim men and boys were killed. This was the worst mass killing in Europe since the end of the Second World War.

The Memorial Day is an important time remember the victims, and consider how such atrocities can be prevented in future.

The Remembering Srebrenica charity provide crucial educational materials for schools to raise awareness of the genocide among new generations, as well as organising visits to Srebrenica. Last year, the charity produced an award-winning podcast called “Untold Killing”, which can be listened to on Spotify, Apple and Google Podcasts.