Sustainable Livestock and Fish Fight Campaign

Recently Valerie showed her support for the Sustainable Livestock Bill by attending an event called “Celebrating Sustainable Foods” at the Houses of Parliament with Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and Levi Roots. 

Valerie is also a supporter of Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s Fish Fight Campaign and has signed Early Day Motion 1123:  “That this House welcomes the resolution of the `Fish Fight’ campaign to eliminate the environmentally and economically damaging practice of discarding fish before landing; is concerned that up to half of all fish trawled in the North Sea are thrown back either dead or dying; further welcomes the campaign’s support for the sustainable use of discard species by retailers, suppliers and restaurants to stimulate the creation of new markets for lesser known species; and calls on the Government to demand strong reform of the European Union Common Fisheries Policy to institute a regionalised, ecosystems-based management framework which incentivises the use of selective gear, uses real-time management, including temporary closures, and establishes ecosystem catch quotas rather than single-species landing quotas.”

For more information about Hugh’s Fish Fight, please see this website: