Thank you for visiting my website. You will find information about my work and my activities as the Member of Parliament on behalf of the people of Walsall South. You can contact me directly through the website and find details about my office. Owing to Covid-19 I am unable to meet at surgeries, and I am now conducting telephone surgeries. I use the House of Commons Parliamentary answering service when my office is busy or out of hours. Please leave your message with them and remember to give your name, address and contact details. The Answering Service will send me an email with your message
If you have any problem or issue you think I may be able to help you with, please do get in touch.
Please note that Members of Parliament are not an emergency service so do contact the appropriate emergency services when required.
I would like to thank the NHS for their wonderful service during the pandemic.
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Press Releases
Keep updated with the latest news locally, media coverage and news from Parliament.
I attended a public exhibition of Orders at the Holiday Inn by Junction 10 on Friday 28 September 2018. Highways England and Walsall MBC are partnering together for a joint venture to promote a scheme of alteration works to Junction 10 of the M6.
I was delighted to meet with Chinese for Labour in Liverpool on Sunday 23 September 2018. I support the thriving Chinese community in Walsall South. 30.7% of Walsall South is of Asian ethnicity.
I am pleased that the planning application to move the statue of suffragette leader Emmeline Pankhurst from outside Parliament to Regent’s University has been withdrawn. Out of the 236 comments on the plan, 232 objected to it.
I raised with the Leader of the House, the impact that a no deal Brexit will have on the UK. The National Farmers Union said that a no deal Brexit would be an “Armageddon scenario”, the Government’s own technical notes state that UK institutions would no longer be eligible for three Horizon 2020 funding lines and a no deal will cost the UK research £520 million a year, and the National Police Coordination Centre warns that the “necessity to call on military assistance is a real possibility” after we leave the EU with no deal.
Covid Memorial Wall
20mph Speed Limits
RAF Centenary Flypast