Thank you for visiting my website. You will find information about my work and my activities as the Member of Parliament on behalf of the people of Walsall South. You can contact me directly through the website and find details about my office. Owing to Covid-19 I am unable to meet at surgeries, and I am now conducting telephone surgeries. I use the House of Commons Parliamentary answering service when my office is busy or out of hours. Please leave your message with them and remember to give your name, address and contact details. The Answering Service will send me an email with your message 

If you have any problem or issue you think I may be able to help you with, please do get in touch.

Please note that Members of Parliament are not an emergency service so do contact the appropriate emergency services when required.

I would like to thank the NHS for their wonderful service during the pandemic.

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Press Releases

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Posted: 14/04/2015

“I attended the launch of the BAME manifesto in Wolverhampton following the launch of Labour's BAME Manifesto in Leicester by Ed Miliband. I was joined by Labour politicians Pat McFadden, Rachael Reeves, Rob Marris, John Spellar, and Unison Regional Secretary Ravi Subramanian.”

Posted: 13/04/2015

"I was delighted to welcome the Labour Party BAME bus to Walsall South. Keith Vaz who coordinates BAME activities met with members of the community to discuss Labour party policy for the BAME community. At the meeting people were able to voice their concerns about the neighbourhood. It was a very useful discussion."

Posted: 13/04/2015

"I attended the latest Open Day at Caldmore Community gardens to celebrate Vaisakhi. It is a great space which has become a delightful community garden owing to the hard work of the volunteers who were digging and planting vegetables to sell. The gardens have been supported by WHG, Caldmore Gurdwara, Sanctury Housing and Walsall MBC. This is a fantastic community resource which will enable people to meet, benefit from outdoor activities and help with health and wellbeing. An outdoor cinema is also planned for the summer months."

Posted: 12/04/2015

"Dalkeith Street on a Sunday afternoon was very responsive to the Labour message; along with Cllr Hussein and Cllr Nawaz we spoke to residents who were concerned about the litter and fly tipping. As a result there will be a deep clean of Dalkeith Street which will take place on Thursday 16 April. Shokt Faisal who lived on the street told me the street had changed and we need to have a public awareness campaign about litter and to encourage people to look after their area. A clean up of the street will take place on Thursday 16 April. Hopefully this will encourage people not to drop letter or to fly tip. "


Covid Memorial Wall

20mph Speed Limits

RAF Centenary Flypast