Thank you for visiting my website. You will find information about my work and my activities as the Member of Parliament on behalf of the people of Walsall South. You can contact me directly through the website and find details about my office. Owing to Covid-19 I am unable to meet at surgeries, and I am now conducting telephone surgeries. I use the House of Commons Parliamentary answering service when my office is busy or out of hours. Please leave your message with them and remember to give your name, address and contact details. The Answering Service will send me an email with your message 

If you have any problem or issue you think I may be able to help you with, please do get in touch.

Please note that Members of Parliament are not an emergency service so do contact the appropriate emergency services when required.

I would like to thank the NHS for their wonderful service during the pandemic.

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Posted: 05/02/2013

Valerie has written to all Schools in Walsall South to encourage them to enter the 4th Annual Speaker’s School Council Awards.“ School Councils are an excellent place for pupils to learn about democracy, how to make a contribution to their communities and how to campaign effectively on the issues that matter. The Speaker’s School Council Awards celebrate the contributions made by School Councils from across the country to their school communities.”“The Awards are open to every Infant, Junior, Secondary school and College in the country and aim to reward the best School Council projects in each of the four age groups. The Judges are looking for projects that demonstrate the School Councils’ efforts to bring about positive change. The project could be anything from increasing the number of recycling bins in school to ideas to raise money for the school council budget.”“Winners will be invited to the Houses of Parliament to accept the winner's trophy from the Speaker of the House of Commons. Runners up will be presented with a commemorative plaque for their school and every School Council that enters will receive a certificate from the Speaker of the House of Commons.”“Having visited many schools across Walsall South since I was elected in May 2010, I know that they will be able to put forward some strong entries. I wish all the schools the best of luck with their entries, and hope to meet some Speakers’ School Council Award Winners from Walsall South at the House of Commons.”The closing date for entries is 30 April 2013.Further information and details of how to enter can be found here.


Covid Memorial Wall

20mph Speed Limits

RAF Centenary Flypast