Valerie asks Npower and Ofgem about retrospective charges

Valerie has written to Npower over retrospective charges, sometimes totalling several hundred pounds, sent to customers with pre-payment meters.

Valerie said:

“Pre-payment meters are promoted as a way for the least well off to avoid getting into debt and receiving surprise bills and charges that they cannot afford. Yet I have seen a retrospective bill for several hundred pounds that was sent to one of my constituents. I am aware of other cases where this has happened.”

“These bills risk financially crippling people on tight budgets who are struggling to get by during tough times when the cost of living is rising quickly. They are also presented in an extremely unclear format and do not contain all the information necessary to understand why the charges have been issued.”

“If electricity companies wish to promote the use of pre-payment meters as a way to avoid getting into debt, they should not then issue retrospective charges. If customers have paid using pre-payment meters, why are they being billed again? I have written to Npower for an explanation and to the energy regulator, Ofgem.”

“I would urge anyone who receives such a bill to seek advice and query it before making any payments.”

To view Valerie’s letter to Npower, please click here.