Multi faith festival All Saints Darlaston

The multi-faith community festival took place at All Saints Church in Darlaston on Saturday 21 May 2016.


There were various stalls, crafts for the children, the Darlaston Rotary Club who are having a sleep out for charity on 30 September, the RAF the Ravidassia community and the photo shows Walsall’s School Nursing Service. The School Nursing Service support families and children from aged 5-19 on a range of issues from keeping healthy, immunisation, emotional and sexual health to drugs, smoking and alcohol. Children over the age of 12 can discuss their health concerns with a School Nurse by texting 07480 635363, the service is anonymous and confidential. you can find more details of Walsall’s School Nursing Service on their website:

Rev Canon John Barnett who has moved from All Saints and is now at Barr Beacon was one of the founders of the Multi Faith forum. Rev Gilbert David newly installed at Moxley opened with a sermon and we heard the Call to Prayer by a member of the Islamic faith. I said that we need to tolerate all religions and that no one religion is more important than another and must not seek to dominate another. All religions can exist together. We must promote peace democracy and justice which are the basis of all religions.

It was delightful to hear the school choir from Salisbury Primary. The Rotary Club Charity SleepOut will take place grounds of Grace Acasdemy, Darlaston. They hope to raise funds for St Basil’s and Walsall Street Teams, both of which deal with vulnerable people “on the streets” in Walsall.